Sunday, July 22, 2012

01 of the day

Today is 3rd Ramadhan.. I tried my level best no have this 'hasad dengki' feeling, but there will always people who will trigger things. 

Things are very simple and easy... no need to make things hard and complicated. If you are not really have brain - please be that do not try to be almighty and superior but 'tong kosong' the sound is so loud but nothing...

Monday, June 25, 2012

The thing that i almos lost

I almost lost my mind and a mistake in believing that i'm not a good mother.. yes true indeed i lack a lot of thing but i always believe that children need to be cherished and love and protected in what ever condition.. If you love them you need to protect them with all your heart so that they will not be scarred  for their whole life.. I know that i already left her with a big scar.. i really want to make her forget but still it's already there.. hope that she will make a better life with all the experience that she have gone thru and not making the same mistake as i am.. hope that she can live her life as fullest as possible...
There's a time that i thought that my life better off without her.. but still without her i will lost all my insanity and the purpose of life, she is the grip of my life, my torch and my life saver.. without her i'm not sure what kind of life will i lead on. will i able to survive will i able to manage to live in right mind.


its being a while

almost forgot that i have this blog.
Really want to share a lot on my past event that happen to me..

will do it tomorrow

Friday, August 7, 2009

terima kasih la Da

Nampak nooo, aku ni takder kawan kan.
Buat Blog pun kawan aku Ida jugak la yg jadi follower..
Sedih tul tapi nak buat camne kan..
Hari ini aku terlebih muslimah lak, pakai jubah so jangan la plak terkojut kalo jumpo kat tepi jalan. memang ni watie tak tipu yea.
Untuk kawan aku Ida, walaupun sekang ni dah tak spent time ngan ko sangat tapi ko lah sahabat aku yg masih ade...terima kasih le aku ucapkan sebab sudi lagi nak berkawan ngan aku..
nanti kalo ade duit kite pi holida sesame ye...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

another day

tak ade ape pun yg menarik nak cerite pun.

malam tadi ngantuk so tidur awal, tapi dalam pukul 11 lebih tue tersedar and terus tutup lampu. Tak lama lepas tu aku tak tau le sama ade aku mimpi ke ataupun memang jadik betul ke wallahualam, aku rase satu badan kaku and susah nak bukak mata, aku nak cuba gerakkan badan langsung tak boleh and kepala rasa berpusing - pusing lama gak la rasenye aku cuba untuk gerakkan badan. lama lepas tu aku dapat bangun terus aku bukak lampu balik.
it was so scary and this is not the 1st time aku kena macam tu. kekadang terasa kena himpit sampai tak boleh bernafas.
nasib baik lepas je aku bukak lampu tidur aku dah terganggu.. kesiannye diri saye...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Boring Wednesday

alahai bosan tul hari ni takder aktiviti memberansangkan langsung. Tiap2 hari duk kerje tapik tak gak kaya2 stress lagi ade.
Anak saye sekang nie dah besar dah pandai demand. every morning mesti beli kuih. every evening mesti beli junk food ape die ingat mak die nie cop duit ke ape.
sedih kan umur next year dah nak masuk 30thn tapi tak ader ape2 achievement pun. baik dari segi kerja mahupun peribadi.
Me and my colleague kekononnya bulan 11 nanti nak pergi holiday ke bali tapi tak tau le jadik ke tak al maklum le sejak ade ura2 kate lepas jakarta Bali is the next target to bomb.
alahai sodih tul.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

i try to write

Bile tengok kekawan seronok buat Blog aku pun teringin same.

walaupun aku ni idak le sekreatif member aku tapi teringin gak la merapu.

bile bosan atau nak lepas geram ade le tempatnye utk aku melalutkan.

hari ni aku sebuk le skit sebab best friend kat dlm ofis aku nie amik cuti panjang kononnya nak rehat.

yo lah tu boleh rehat.

office aku ni gila duit kalau boelh nak staff die keje 24jam tapi tak nak bayar.

berlagak dan eksyen tak per hari nie hari depa.

esok lum tentukan..